• Johannesburg, South Africa
  • Johannesburg, Africa
  • onthatile.sa@gmail.com
In Newsletter

Christmas Giving

We have put together a list of items needed to build and outfit our workshop as we start our building projects. “Thank you to those who have already given to this project! We are still in need of some tools as well as funds for the workshop itself”. Your donations will make a difference in the lives of the children in our care.

All financial gifts to our ministry are tax-deductible.

2018 Christmas Projects (see below for a more detailed list):
Power and Hand Tools —$2500
Building a Workshop–$3000
General Workshop Supplies–$1000

Incidental Maintenance Costs
Facilities Updates/General Property Maintenance–$4000

These numbers are large, but gifts of ANY amount are welcome!!  Click here to give.

Thank you for taking time to consider partnering with Onthatile as we care for abandoned and vulnerable children in South Africa.  We appreciate your generosity.  You are a blessing to many!
We are so thankful for you, your continued prayers, and generosity!  We pray that you and your family had a blessed Thanksgiving and we wish you a very merry Christmas!!



Onthatile Children’s Ministries

Detailed Tool List (all costs are estimates based on an exchange rate of 10:1):

Portable Compressor with hoses and air gun: $460

Air tools for mechanical and building. (impact wrench, air hammer, air drill, etc.): $1000

Gas leaf blower: $320-480

Chop saw: $500

Table saw: $400

Jig saw: $650

Bench Grinder: $280

Belt sander: $570

Bench vice grip: $260

Sets of clamps (C and bar): $120

Router: $90-180

Stabila levels different sizes (1M, 2M): $130

Screwdriver sets: $60

Wire strippers: $30

Voltage tester pen: $70

Snap wring pliers: $20

Very long needle nose pliers: $15

Socket sets for Car mechanics and spanners: $80

Shovels and rakes: $40

Wheel barrow: $90

Saw horses or mobile work bench: $45

Lockable tool chest for storing hand tools (spanners, etc): $110

A locking job box or Jobox to store tools: $110

Trolley Jack: $270

Thank you for your continued partnership with Onthatile!

If you would like to donate you can give directly to
Onthatile Children’s Ministries in these ways:

1. Online from the U.S.:  
Click this link.
or visit: www.ibmglobal.org/donate,
click Donate Online,
then click on Onthatile Children’s Ministries

2. By Mail from the U.S.: 
PO Box 607
Nashua, NH  03061
*MEMO:  Onthatile Children’s Ministries

3. By EFT in South Africa:
Name:  Onthatile Children’s Ministries
Bank:  FNB
Branch:  Randpark Ridge
Branch number :  255955
Account number :  62409963685

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